40 Things to know before going to France

Cultural and general observations i’ve noticed in France as an American studying abroad that you should know before you go.

Intro/positionality awareness-

Hi! To preface, I’m from Texas. I don’t think it’s justified to compare one country to another, it’s more about urban vs. rural and there are a lot of other factors. As far as France, I have experienced Paris and the Côte d’Azur (French Riveria). I’m making this for fun and to record my perspective because why not? I won’t go to into detail because most are self-explanatory.

Here we go!

  1. In Nice, most dogs are not on a leash.
  2. Most animals are not neutered.
  3. Water flavoring does not exist.
  4. Onions have a weaker flavor.
  5. Most people don’t wear makeup or very little (Paris it varies more because there’s a more diverse population).
  6. No peperoni pizza.
  7. Bread is served with the meal, not before.
  8. Sparkling water is the default served, not still.
  9. You can drink the tap water.
  10. Salads are eaten after a meal.
  11. You will spend two+ hours at a resturant.
  12. (More in the Côte d’Azur) many businesses open and close their stores whenever they want. It can be cause of a doctor appointment, rain, mood etc.
  13. Security at EVERY grocery store.
  14. No plastic bags (unless you pay then most stores have paper, rarely plastic. It is more common for people to bring their own reusable bags)
  15. No returns at most places.
  16. Everything is closed by 9 (including pharmacies).
  17. Directions and hours on Apple Maps and Google Maps are often wrong.
  18. Kinder ice cream…
  19. Pizza is commonly served at brasseries (bakeries).
  20. Majority of places use Apple Pay or tap to pay.
  21. Swimming nude is normal.
  22. Everyone smokes.
  23. No good Asian food, and no seasoned food.
  24. Water fountains on the street are drinkable.
  25. Too many Kebab places.
  26. Public transportation ends by 1 am.
  27. Uber is so expensive.
  28. Transportation strikes 😀
  29. It can costs thousands to get a drivers license (this is in most of Europe).
  30. Americans are Americans regardless of if they are mixed or have a multi-cultural background.
  31. No enforced speed limits.
  32. Baguettes are cheap (one euro usually)
  33. No tipping in restaurants.
  34. Dishwashers are rare.
  35. Less gas stations
  36. French greetings are very physical.
  37. Bathrooms in bedrooms.
  38. No ID checks (except for clubs and events) so teens drink under 18.
  39. Money is not discussed explicitly.
  40. French wealth is often reflected through cultural knowledge, arts, languages, fashion, and manner.

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m. lauren

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